
Download rusty hexbug
Download rusty hexbug

At this time, the group has no plans to create a patch for the DOS version. While an English translation grants an additional layer of depth to one's enjoyment of Rusty, it's not necessary to play the game. Recently a translation project completed work on a patch to translate the PC-98 version of Rusty into English. Over the years, Rusty has developed a fan community. Boss fights are generally easier than the journey to reach them master the patterns, and you'll win. The gameplay itself is solid, and while the levels are challenging, they never feel unfairly difficult-practice and replay of levels is rewarded by a mastery of the game that isn't defiled by poor controls, poor level design, or the random bat waiting to knock you into a pit. The music is excellent and catchy (you'll find yourself humming many of the themes), and the art is decent. Rusty is a horror-themed side-scrolling platformer that plays much like the classic Castlevania titles, the chief difference being its protagonist is a scantily clad vampire huntress whose whip lends a dominatrix theme to her look. Whichever the case, fans of the older Castelvania games would do well to check out Rusty. A contemporary of Castlevania: Rondo of Blood, Rusty has been subject of speculation as to whether there was a direct connection between the C-Lab and Konami or if Rusty was simply a well-polished homage to the Castlevania franchise.

download rusty hexbug

Looks can be deceiving, however, and Rusty is a hidden gem of Japanese retro-gaming that deserves to be rediscovered. At first glance, Rusty would appear to be a “sexy” knock-off of Castlevania.

Download rusty hexbug